
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Quilt from Softball Shirts & Gymnastics Outfits

I recently made this "T-Shirt" quilt.  It's mostly softball shirts and gymnastics outfits with a couple of t-shirts thrown in.  It was a little bit of a challenge using the different fabrics together, but I think it turned out great!  I can make a quilt with any fabrics you can wash.  This even has part of a kimono, crushed velvet & sparkly silver stars on stretch velour.  What can I make for you?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Use What You've Got - October's Quilt Guild Article

Yeah, I'm a little behind on these...  This was my President's Article from last October.  My son is still turning everything into drumsticks and baseball bats.

I have a friend who is involved in everything.  She doesn’t say, “No.” often.  I get drawn into her craziness periodically.  She lives in Texas.  If she were local, I’m sure I’d be drawn in much more.  This week she’s making felted wool items for one of her many organizations.  She called me to ask my advice on rotary cutters, mats, scissors and anything else that might help her make a lap-size felted wool blanket.  I think I take for granted that we have so many wonderful tools at our disposal.  Even then I see many of us using everyday things to help in our quilting.  I see my son do the same thing.  He’ll be 2 next week and loves football, drums and baseball.  He can make anything work for his passions.  His sister’s Dora bike helmet is now his football helmet.  Pencils, straws and sticks become his drumsticks.  And everything can be a baseball bat.  He’s used his wooden train whistle and a rocket launcher.  This morning he held his stuffed Curious George by one leg and took a swing at a Nerf basketball.  I hope we can all have the creativity to use the things we have on hand that he has!

(As a side note, my friend’s craziness can be really fun.  Long ago, before children and husbands, we once took a long weekend and went to New York for cheesecake.)