
Saturday, December 20, 2008

A quilt for Brian's wife

Over the summer I heard of a man who wanted a quilt with some pictures & words on it. It became one with names of his family members & some other words. It is for his wife. He said she likes pink & purple, but not roses. Do you know how hard it is to find pink fabric for grownups without roses?

This is how it turned out. He decided against pictures & we just went with words. I'm pretty pleased with it, although I wasn't sure for a while.

Brian is a fantastic guy. It is obvious that he adores his wife. I did have a huge fear that I'd get a call from her one day demanding to know who I am and why her husband kept calling me. I'm sure my planned "Uh, ask your husband" answer wouldn't have helped much. It was wonderful to make this for him.